"Genome Sequence and Analysis of Nicotiana benthamiana,the Model Plant for Interactions between Organisms." was published from Plant and Cell Physiology.
"Establishing a comprehensive web-based analysis platform for Nicotiana benthamiana genome and transcriptome." was published from BioRxiv.
High-load services are restricted due to frequent server downtime.
Scaffolds s00010 to s00210 were reorganized into chr01 to chr19.
The download of the Nbe_v1.1.gff3 file was stopped due to incomplete loci information in v1.1.
Please download the corrected Nbe_v1.1.2.sorted.fixed.gff3 file again and try it.
Those who performed RNA-seq mapping using the NbeV1.1.gff3 file as a reference may have incorrect results.